Friday, January 21, 2005
Sometime last November, this writer received an email from RW Oscar M. Jayme, Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Hawaii that said:
“You might want to checkout this site:”
In reply, this writer wrote back:
Ha, ha, hah!! So what else is new?? All one has to do is type “Freemasonry” in the Search Box of any major Internet facility and he will readily see so many anti-Masonic materials which he can browse upon in addition to what you just forwarded to the undersigned.
Lest some of our less-informed Christian brethren get waylaid in this anti-Masonic smut however, let it be reiterated that our gentle Craft does not have a particular Deity or God to adore. Each one of us takes with him the particular Deity of our own faith, be it Jesus, Yahweh, El Shaddai or Jehovah (for the Christians) and conversely, the respective names of the Deity (Allah, Buddha, Hare Krishna etc.) of the other faiths! It is also within his own sole province whether to consider Jesus Christ as God or simply as a Messiah!
And readers need not be reminded that the Christian religion (no offense meant is intended to all Christian brethren) is the most fragmented of all the major religions of the world!
In like manner, our gentle Fraternity does not provide any avenue for salvation, for that is the concern of the religion that each member professes.
It may therefore be necessary to reiterate that other than the belief in the existence of God, the immortality of the soul and the brotherhood of all men to which all religions also subscribe to, another of its most indelible tenets is striving to make its votaries turn out from good to better. If a brother is not taking any effort in doing this, then he is definitely wasting his time. Other than enjoying our fellowship, of course!
But what the authors have composed is still worth reading. As the Masonic scholar Albert Pike once wrote, “read, digest, discriminate”, assuming the reader can readily identify the gold from the dross.
And he should first learn the awesome powers of this wonderful world called the Internet.
With my kindest fraternal regards!
Bro. Jun